There is an extraordinary beauty that comes from within. No one can actually see it, but it can be felt by people around us and is controlled by our thoughts. Thoughts are ultimately energy, and people can feel the energy we project from our mind. So what we project onto others can determine how attractive we look to them. Right?
I believe mirrors have the ability to reflect what you want to see. When you were a child, did you ever play dress up? When you gazed into the mirror at the reflection, did you see what was in front of you or what you were to become? Most likely you saw your futuristic reflection, the “who I want to be when I grow up” reflection, with endless possibilities and potential to be anything or anyone you wanted to be. Why does that childlike imagination get stifled as we “grow up”? When is it that we begin to see the reflection “as is”? When a child looks into the mirror they see their inner beauty. There is no limitation or judgment and they understand that they are not frozen in time. Beauty has many different faces and cannot be described in a single form. It can be found in a face, a place or even a feeling. Is beauty found in the eye of the beholder?
Thoughts are powerful tools that we can use to our advantage. We have all heard William Arthur Wardlbert’s quote, “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” There is a lot of truth built into those words. The imagination is part of an experience internally that is capable of expressing itself externally. Actions bring the imaginative thoughts to the world and creation is essential part of bringing beauty into the world.
People see what you want them to see. The world can and does change around you depending on how you think. Try gazing into the mirror and see the beauty that comes from within you. Try not to see yourself frozen in time, but rather the ever changing and growing version of you. See the potential within yourself. The mirror will be reflecting a whole new you and you will be projecting that image to everyone around you. The most fashionable thing you can wear is a positive attitude and confidence!