Fete Lifestyle Magazine February 2016 | Page 34

1. Cowspiracy

Released in 2014, this incredible film looks at the effects of cattle consumption on the environment worldwide.

Most people who don’t eat beef or consume dairy products do so for dietary or animal rights reasons. But even beyond these influencing factors, the rate at which the human race consumes cattle is having catastrophic effects on the environment and natural resources we all need.

After watching this film, my husband and I immediately stopped purchasing milk. We’ve also stopped buying red meat for the home. If this sounds extreme to you, just watch the film.

2. Fed Up

This 2014 film will have your mind reeling over a multitude of issues. The premise is an examination of the United States’ obesity epidemic and what the root of the issue is. We’ve all heard before that “sugar is the enemy,” but this doc will show you many layers and how pervasive the issue has become.

You’ll not only start obsessing over how much sugar is in everything you eat, but the film is presented in such a way, you will no doubt start questioning government, authority, industry and the intentions of others. It’s scary, eye opening; it’ll have you looking at the food you consume in a whole new light.

Teaser: The United States is one of the (if not THE) only countries in the world that does not require food manufacturers to list the percentage of daily value for sugar on package labels. Fortunately, my husband and I live in Costa Rica, so for us it’s been easy to start paying attention to this figure on everything that we buy.

You can access the film’s website, fedupmovie.com for food education kits, challenges that allow peers to help each other get healthy, and much more.