Fete Lifestyle Magazine December 2022 - Holiday Issue | Page 30






9 Financial Tips to Help You Prepare for 2023

appy December! I

want to thank

everyone who has read

my FLM monthly articles and especially Publisher D.C. Crenshaw. It’s a privilege to provide you with tools that are designed to help everyone become stronger and a bit more aware of the things you can do to maintain and improve your financial lifestyle. However, it’s important to provide some close out year-end tips that will help you successfully springboard in to 2023. As 2022 winds down, it’s time to look forward to next year and put yourself on the best financial footing possible.

This year was a hard one for many people. Inflation continued to ravage household budgets and eat away at savings, while retirement savers saw their balances shrink as markets tanked. Many tech workers have faced layoffs, and analysts predict a recession any day now. Crypto has taken a beating, as exchanges collapsed and empires fell. And housing has become increasingly unaffordable after 2021’s historically low interest rates literally opened the door to a new generation of owners.

Staying positive, there have been some great spots this year as well. Many employees saw raises for the first time in years, with job changers, especially, seeing significant gains.

When my clients ask what will happen in 2023, one could say it is anyone’s guess. And because of that, here are nine things you can do to prepare your finances towards most anything to come next year.