Fete Lifestyle Magazine December 2021 - Holiday Issue | Page 63

7. Make Wealth Your Inheritance

Your birthright is abundance. There are no limitations to what your mind can create. Focus on possibilities. Your mind is your creative source and your heart is your magnetic force.

8. Make Truth Your Rule

Being honest and truthful with yourself takes courage. The only one you can compare and compete with is yourself. Have you grown from the person you were yesterday? Take an honest look in the mirror and ask yourself if you like the person staring back at you. If not, change, the power is within you.

9. Make Possibilities Infinite

Do not allow your mind to limit you. Become aware of the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and daily habits that limit you. Commit to being open to possibilities. Challenge yourself to move past the emotion of fear - it the most limiting emotion.

10. Make Plans to Grow

My husband often says, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Plan to change; small daily habits overtime create change. Give yourself space to try new things, meet new people, or learn a new hobby or skill. Travel someplace new, learn about a new culture, start a new tradition,

or taste a

different food. Create new daily habits that serve you in a healthy way physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

Cheers to You!!