A woman’s menstrual cycle (and her monthly ovulation) is an eco-indicator of her health! What does that mean? An eco-indicator is an indicator of a healthy environment. It’s like when there are many frogs living in an area, this is a signal of the environment’s health because they live both on land and in the water- the amphibians have higher demand for low-toxicity.
So the number of frogs to an environment is what period consistency and symptoms are to a woman’s health.
With that being said, 30% of the world’s
women have irregular menstrual cycles. That is nothing to be ashamed of. But it is an incredible opportunity to check in and think back; am I taking care of myself? How could I prioritize myself in my day?
Our bodies are always speaking to us.
Women have this incredible power as a 5th vital sign to get real time feedback on how they are doing.
We are living in unprecedented times. Both in modern times, and for women joining the workforce that was unfortunately designed for men. Modern lives often support chronic
stress- the amount of screen time we often have to clock, and the burden of house work and emotional work that tends to fall on women can lead to high stress levels..
Interestingly, when we’re chronically stressed as women, the adrenals signal the HPA axis
(think fight-or-flight mode) communicating with hormone regulation to release less progesterone. In the symphony of 4 hormones - estrogen, progesterone, Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), the balance is thrown off. This can often result in irregular periods, more PMS, and not feeling your greatest.