Fete Lifestyle Magazine December 2018 - Holiday Issue | Page 53

Choose New Year Resolutions Easier To Stick To

By Melanie Redd

Instead of making it something you think you SHOULD do, disrupt the norm and make the resolution something you WANT to do. Shift your thinking to “fun,” and ask yourself, “What would make me happier?” and “What can I do to make this happen?” Is it more travel? More time socializing with friends? Spending more time with your kids? Perhaps it’s more spa days or playing more golf? Whatever it is that you’re guaranteed to have fun doing, resolve to do more of that next year, and you’re much more likely to follow through.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t address your health and fitness. I believe all of us benefit from chipping away daily at being healthier more energetic humans, but the truth is most people who make resolutions to get in shape hate the actual work it takes to get in shape. That’s a major roadblock to adherence. Very few people will embrace the process right away, and that’s okay. Consider committing to making healthy changes now instead of waiting until January 1, and save the resolution for something you’re more likely to stick to.

Fun resolutions can still be difficult to keep when the list of things we have to do starts to take over, leaving us feeling like we don’t deserve to have more fun. Still, resolutions that aren’t based in dread or guilt are easier to follow through on.

Give yourself a gift this year, and resolve to do something that will make you happier. You deserve more fun. You’re not selfish for wanting it, and I promise you won’t regret having it.

Happy New Year! Go make it the most fun one ever.

Choose New Year Resolutions Easier To Stick To

Choose New Year Resolutions Easier To Stick To