Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2022 - Anything Goes Issue | Page 63

1.Adopt a positive mindset thinking the glass is half full. Be grateful and thankful about the things in your life instead of being needy, jealous, and negative. Look at the positives in your relationships and don’t think and dwell on the negatives. We all have that

one person that is always negative and dramatic that drain us. We can only be in charge of ourselves and

need to make a conscious

effort to be grateful for

what we have. Appreciate

your home, where you

work and the friends and

family in your life. If we

think in a positive manner,

we will be internally

happier every day.

2.Strive for growth.

Going after what we want

is also healthy. Striving for

bigger and better make us

want more in life. We won’t achieve more if we don’t

focus on what we want

and need in our lives,


and relationships.

3.Have passions and things that make us feel better about ourselves. Whether that’s giving back like helping the less fortunate or joining a board to make things better in your community, think of some things you can do to help people; it will make you feel more fulfilled and happier.

4.Be fulfilled internally. Not needing anyone to make you happy or feel that your life is full is key. When you’re happy being by yourself, people around us are icing on the cake, but we should be internally happy and content with ourselves before everything else.

5.Being openminded to new adventures and thinking outside the box of your normal everyday situation. When you’re invited to do something say yes, life should be about adventure and experiences. Make them happen and be open to possibilities all around you. Let’s spend less on things and invest in memories that will help us grow and be conscious of the world around us.

6.Surround yourself with people that life you up and make you feel good about yourself. Keep all the toxic people out. If someone is brining you down, sever ties and get the negative energy out of your life. If you can’t fully get away be strong enough to stand

up for yourself.

7.Do things for

yourself to make you

happy. Make time for

yourself and work on

yourself, like working out

and eating right. If you

feel good and are happy

with the way you look

you will have high

self-confidence. Giving

yourself time and

attention to make

yourself look and feel

better will just help with

self-esteem and

self-worth. Take time

with your hair, makeup,

and wardrobe. Reach out

to a professional to deal

with past or present

traumas. Sometimes it’s helpful to speak to someone to help guide you into a better state of mind.

8.Love yourself inside and out. Being happy with who you are and what you are doing in this life is so very important with how you feel every day.

I have been in the business of helping people for decades as a matchmaker. These are 8 tips I have learned throughout my years of helping and working with people.