Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2022 - Anything Goes Issue | Page 22

Katy Nielsen is a Colorado based, Chicago-trained performance artist, production manager and writer. You can see the embodiment of her continuing work and aesthetic at Outlaw Production Collective, creating & producing unique performance work with an awesome network of artistic associates.

Lindsay Madison is an Arbonne consultant, yoga instructor and all-around health and wellness enthusiast. She initially came to her yoga mat to combat vertigo and regain a sense of balance after a partial hearing loss and was immediately hooked. Since then, she's built a global network marketing business as a consultant with Arbonne and taught classes throughout the Midwest and Canada. Lindsay resides with her Pitbull rescue, BellaObama, just outside Detroit, Michigan and is currently working and teaching remotely. Connect with her at VisionsIncorporated.com



Our Give Back Program

Community and connection are at the heart of our philosophy at Holistic Spirits Company. During the COVID 19 pandemic, we focused on the immediate need of reducing food insecurity and supporting underserved children in Baltimore and Washington, DC during one of the most challenging times in history for kids through an organization called SoWhatElse.org.

We are also proud to support environmental causes and sustainability initiatives through our partnership with ForestPlanet.org, where for each bottle of Origen Holistic Spirits sold, we plant a tree in locations in the world that have been heavily deforested. This plant a tree initiative is critical to our mission and long-term brand vision to make an impact on the earth and the people who inhabit it. We hope you will follow our philanthropy and give back initiatives @origenholisticvodka on

Instagram and Facebook.