Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2021 - Anything Goes | Page 49

As a new(ish) mom, routine has become my best friend for the first time in my entire life. Fitting in these six elements consistently makes my day feel complete and gives me space to focus on the other things that need to get done (like dishes, laundry, paper work) without feeling overwhelmed and fatigued.


Move Your Body

It doesn’t have to be for hours every day and it doesn’t have to be at a high intensity, but it is amazing how great and accomplished I feel after my quick (or long) workout. My husband and I have started doing daily 2-minute exercises three times a day. My 17-month-old son even gets in on the squats now!

Make Time For Something You Love

Luckily, my job is my passion, so that always checks this box. But I’ve also focused on playing a board or yard game with family, going for a swim, planning a fun event, or starting a DIY project which all bring me tons of joy and remind me of who I am and what I love.

Get Outside

So simple and SO important! Over the last few years since our son was born, our family goes on at least one-hour long family walk every single day. It is such a great way for us to connect and focus on each other without distractions while getting our Vitamin D and a little endorphin boost!

Fill Up On Water, Fruits & Veggies

The older I get the more I realize the massive impact these three things can have on the way you feel AND the way you look. What you put into your body directly effects how your body feels and for me it helps me feel good about the choices I’ve made. (a little pizza and chocolate can also go a long way:)

Stay In Touch With Someone You love

A simple text message, handwritten letter, or shipping a little surprise to stay connected to your loved ones feels so good! When you have the time, schedule that hour long conversation you’ve been meaning to have for months or make a lunch date reservation to catch up with a long-lost bestie!

Put On Something That Makes You Feel Good

How we present ourselves to the world makes a huge impact on how we feel and how prepared we are to take on the day. This step can also expand to purging items in your closet that don’t bring you joy, organizing your clothing and making sure you have a closet full of clothes that make you excited to get dressed every day!

I was recently asked to join Andrea Javor, a life coach, on her Podcast Until There Was Me to speak about the importance of how you present yourself to the world and how your style is a step in making you FEEL your absolute best. Tune in here!

Photo Credit Mukuko Studio

Photo Credit Bruno Nascimento