Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2018 - Hot Trends | Page 3


Fete Lifestyle Magazine

I remember when wearing baggy jeans to school (in the 80’s) meant that you were fashionably on point. The baggier the better. Then fashion shifted to straight leg jeans. The straighter the sweeter. Eventually style transitioned back to bell bottom pants that were all the rage in the 70’s, and now we’re back to skinny jeans in the 2000’s. Fashion is one industry where trends come and go as frequent as weather changes from season to season. However, with the rise of technology we have seen a shift in the way we use computers, smart phones, televisions, and even how we listen to music at home and in our cars. We no longer need to turn on the local news to see the weather report. Simply say, “Hey Google, what’s the temperature today?” and you will have your answer in seconds. The way we drive, travel, workout, and even buy a home is vastly different than it was 10 years ago. We’re always looking for the next best thing that will make our lives easier, better and more convenient.

Our FLM August issue is fun as we address “Hot Trends”. We look at the latest trends in weddings, travel, beauty, and even our emotional and psychological state of being. You will also enjoy reading entertaining articles surrounding entertainment, food and family adventure, and learn how a sport once shunned by many has since been embraced by people all over the world. Once again, I applaud our talented contributors for knocking it out of the park by enlightening us with relevant topics that resonates. Enjoy FLM August and we’ll see you in the fall!


Publisher's Note