The Fibonacci sequence (which is intimately connected to the Golden Ratio), represents order in a world of chaos. It appears in the smallest to the largest objects in nature and is expressed in this numerical sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55… and so on. In this pattern, each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. When extrapolated, the numbers form a perfect spiral shape. Discovered in the 1800s, scientists started noticing occurrences of it in the natural world; in the spirals shaped by the growth of sunflower seeds or leaves around a stem. The resulting formations are the most efficient ways for plants and organisms to thrive by maximizing space, exposure to sunlight, and water distribution. In other words, it is considered to be the design of least resistance, allowing energy to travel most efficiently. For example, the spiral-like shape allows hurricanes to accumulate the most strength and speed. It is also the basis for the most beautiful artistic masterpieces, architecture of renown (such as the Greek Parthenon), and even the secret to what proportions people find most aesthetically pleasing in the human face and body (waist to hip ratio). It is Nature’s way of ‘painting by numbers,’ and provides the mysterious answer to what we subconsciously find most beautiful, often without realizing why.
For many, the thought of viewing an artistic masterpiece may conjure thoughts of the Louvre or the Sistine Chapel. I’d imagine that few people would think of a mathematical equation instead of a beautiful image. But as you can see, beauty is actually shaped by numbers, and a trip to Paris or Rome isn't a prerequisite for viewing the most impressive works of art up close. They are literally hidden in plain sight right outside your front door and at your fingertips.