Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2023 - Fashion Issue | Page 53

Photo Credit Sinitta Leunen

he beginning of

relationships is

tricky, how much do

I share, did I not share enough? Do they like me, do I like them? Here are some of my professional observations that could help your relationship.

-Focus on the present. No good comes from dwelling on the past and comparing relationships. More of a bond will naturally occur rather than going into detail about the pain your past relationships may have caused you.

-Discuss the future. Do you both want something similar? You may not want to move forward with someone that doesn’t want to get married or have children so it’s good to learn those things upfront.

-Are you attracted to the whole person or do you just because want to be in a relationship? So many times, we may be in something that isn’t right for us. Wasting time in a relationship that you know is not going anywhere will just take away the time you will need to meet the right one.

-Meet each other’s friends and family. You can learn a lot about the person you’re getting to know when you meet their friends, family and children. It says a lot about someone that has strong long-term friendships. These are the people they choose to be around, and it can reflect a lot about who they are, and how they treat the people they care about.

-Texting is not your friend in certain situations. So many times, thoughts and feelings don’t come across like you would over text messages. Call or speak to someone in person to have any serious conversations.

-Red flags ARE red flags. Use your intuition and communicate your concerns. Typically, red flags won’t change so be careful when they arise.

-Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Oftentimes being away from your partner is healthy. Have time apart and reconnect with others while in a relationship. We all have had those friends that ditch us when they are in a new relationship. Make time for everyone and try to start blending your worlds together.


Photo Credit Anthony Tran