Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2023 - Fashion Issue | Page 30


Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen


arch 20th – the

first day of the

spring season and

with its arrival comes spring cleaning. The practice of spring cleaning can be traced back over some 3000 years. One of the earliest traditions comes from the Persian culture whose New Year takes place on the first day of spring. It was a tradition known as khaneh tekani aka “shaking the house”. It was thought that in sweeping away the dust of the old year and removing clutter from the home, it would prevent ill-fortune in the upcoming year. While this is one of many beliefs, the practice of spring cleaning is still very real today.

After a long winter, it’s no wonder, we anticipate the signs of spring. The fresh air and the smell of flowers carry with us the same energy that comes with a clean home. Now I know for some, the thought of spring cleaning comes not with a bounce in a footstep but rather an overwhelming sigh. Afterall not everyone loves container store like I do and cleaning and organizing a home does come with its share of stress. But, with that said, I can testify to its value.

When it comes to spring cleaning, I am suggesting a one room at a time approach. Focusing on the details of one room vs the whole home, helps make spring cleaning goals achievable. With that advice, I share my tips and tricks to cleaning my favorite room … yes, you guessed it - the kitchen!