Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2022 - Fashion Issue | Page 53

Photo Credit Rosario Janza

Photo Credit Nick Owuor

1.As soon as a suggestive thought or idea comes into your awareness, ask yourself, "Does this thought serve me in a healthy way?"

2.If you decide that is does not support your highest good, then call it out as a lie! Stop entertaining the lie immediately and send the thought back to where it came from; as if swatting away a fly.

3.Take a deep breath by filling your belly with air and slowly blow it out.

4.Now ask yourself, "What thought or opposing idea would serve me in a healthier way?"

5.Or you can ask yourself, "What do I need to tell myself to feel better about this situation or provide a more neutral perspective?" The more perspectives you can realize in a situation, the better thoughts you have to choose from.

6. Now focus on how your body feels when you tell yourself better words or choose thoughts that support your mental health.

7. Talking to yourself in a way that stirs up lighter emotions instead of heavier emotions is key to developing a healthy mind.

Just like food, our thoughts can be healthy and unhealthy. Our habitual thoughts can contribute to our mental wellbeing or can contribute to our self-destruction. The good thing is that we have a choice. Some folks call it free will. Yes, we have free will to choose thoughts that support our highest good. Are you getting the message? Remember - "You are what you think." So choose healthy thoughts! Sending you Love.