Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2021 - Spring/Fashion Issue | Page 58

By choosing to rise beyond limiting beliefs of my own mind and others, I created space for my future to be more wonderful and fascinating than I could dream possible. I created space for the Universe to wow me with magical surprises around every corner, shower me with rich experiences, beauty, and opportunities for growth.

Are you ready to open up YOUR life to possibilities in 2021 and beyond???

1. Download "The Pattern," a free Astrology app that helps you learn about yourself, any "patterns" currently affecting you from the stars, even add friends and learn about them and your relationship with them.

2. Get on "The Power Path." By aligning with the energy affecting us on a Universal level, we can maximize our growth and move along our path with more grace & ease. On the first of each month, the Power Path puts out an awesome forecast, helping you anticipate what is coming and how you can best move with it, not against it. www.thepowerpath.com)

3. Pick your own Word! It's not too late to grab a word for yourself. If it feels right, invite a power word to come to you and take it deep into your heart. Write it in your journal and allow it to create magic in your life for the rest of 2021!

Thank you Universe, I love it all.