Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2020 - Spring & Thoughtfulness | Page 39

We’ll Value Sleep

Emerging data suggests that due to coronavirus work-from-home procedures, Americans are spending almost 20% more time asleep. It’s a matter of time allocation. Having a greater ability to nap when convenient and sleep during non-traditional scheduled hours, as well as hours of commute time saved, means people are getting more rest. In all humans, sleep is a necessary function for healthy growth and development. Muscles grow, cells repair, and your immune system fights infection. Sleep really promotes overall healing and protects the body and brain. Knowing that sleep plays a fundamental role in overall mental and physical health, the more people get during this stressful time, the better off they are. And that’s going to become very evident as people try to go back to old, unhealthy routines in the coming months.

Remote Work Will Stick – For Some

Once effective work-from-home policies are set, they’re going to be near impossible to reverse. For most, the transition will now be one of finding a weekly balance between in-office or store and home. This pandemic has shown many bosses and employees just how many of those meetings could have actually been emails. But all jokes aside, more jobs can – and will – become either full-time or part-time remote.

This will have a massive impact on parents and commuters, freeing up large portions of time that previously were not available. However, the move to more remote work will also highlight inequality that has previously gone unnoticed by many. Service industry employees and hourly workers (usually those without secure employment and insurance) will not have those remote work options. What this means is that only those with the means of embracing this new lifestyle, can – and will.