Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2020 - Spring & Thoughtfulness | Page 38

We’ll Respect Nature More

Green spaces are vitally important for mental and physical health. While being forced to spend days, weeks, and possibly months at home, people are taking to the outdoors as a way of getting out of the house. But the more time people are forced to shelter-in-place, the more they seem to be appreciating parks, trails, and any chance to be outside. In turn, the environment appears to be thriving as well – with reports of less pollution and more animal sightings all over the globe.

For city dwellers, parks, car-free roads, and pathways have become a refuge from their homes, while still abiding by social distancing requirements. For those that have yards or live near nature trails, daily play and excursions have become the new norm. So when lives go back to the daily grind of school and office work demands, the desire to spend time outside will likely stick around. Even if it’s just weekends, the demands for green space and outdoor activities will be a healthy, lasting effect of this time.

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

Movie Theatres & Malls Won’t Survive

In 2019, the global box office brought in over $40 billion worldwide. But in early 2020, the film industry has come a screeching halt – with no signs of restarting. Movie theatres have shuttered, films have been canceled and postponed, and people all over the world have taken to television and computers for streaming services such as Disney+ and Netflix as substitutes. The same trend can be seen in people’s shopping habits. Instead of in-person experiences, online services have become the sole means of meeting demand.

There are certainly people that will crave the in-person experiences when stores and industries reopen, but the newfound reliance on the internet and streaming are going to show individuals and families how much can be done without the excess theatre fees and in-public risks. Movie theatres and shopping will slowly reemerge as we become less weary of the dangers, but having almost all the same options at your fingertips – and for a fraction of the cost – means significant, permanent shifts in movie consumption and shopping habits. The megaplexes and supermalls will never regain their previous levels of consumption.

Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash