Created by a former professional ballet dancer, Mateo Klemmayer, Zarely is a clothing platform that intersects catwalk-type fashion designers with active dancers, athletes and other performers. Zarely exploded into the fashion sports apparel world by co-creating with professional ballerinas from all over the world. Mateo was inspired to utilize his relationships with his former colleagues in the ballet world because he understood that dancers know how to dress themselves since they are hired to look their best, and have to know all the tricks to accentuate their assets (and hide any imperfections). It’s no wonder dancers are so able to create such flattering activewear!
The company uses only the highest quality materials from the US and Europe to create chic, edgy, flattering, quality, and fashionable sports apparel. Thanks to Mateo’s vision, Zarely stands at the top of the fashion world and leads the way in beauty conscious activewear.