Fashion! I will be the first to dive into some retail therapy. It's the only reason I clean out my make room for new outfits. I love to follow the latest trends. But if your only focus is what's on the outside, then you will be missing a very important element of what makes someone attractive. It has to start on the inside. To change the outside, change the inside first. When you have that link to your inner beauty, it'll show in your outer beauty as well. You must feel it on the inside and recognize that it's there before it will radiate on the outside. Who is the most attractive person in the world? It’s the one in the mirror. What makes a person attractive? A well put-together outfit, a sassy pair of Valentino Aphrodite Gladiator Sandals, accents of Stella and Dot jewelry, a pastel Prada bag and a dab of Chanel No. 5 behind each ear? Sure…yes. That’s the outside…but what about your personality, brains, heart and spirit?
You ARE what you think you are. Just like Ruth, Eve and Magda...Harry Mudd's women from the old Star Trek episode "The Venus Drug." Harry is a human conman, rogue and trader/smuggler of the 23rd century and in this episode Captain Kirk helped send Mudd to a rehab colony after he was caught using the illegal Venus drug to beautify three women that he hoped to sell to miners as brides. The Venus drug supposedly enhanced one’s most attractive qualities, to make them more beautiful and alluring. He would give the three women this drug and they would change from old and haggard to young and beautiful right before our eyes. But what they didn't know is that the Venus drug was a placebo…a sugar pill. The drug's power actually resided in the user's own BELIEF that it worked and a belief in their own beauty. Beauty is not skin deep, it’s deeper and it starts within you.
A few ways you can find your inner beauty:
Be strong.
Share your knowledge with others.
Respect your body and care for it.
Respect your mind.
Be productive and useful.
Accept yourself as you are and love yourself.
Be grateful for all of life's gifts.
Know you are worthy of being loved.
Be forgiving.
Embrace life.
Be honest with others and yourself.
Who is the most beautiful person in the world? The one in the mirror! Look, you can see it in your eyes. Start with a smile. It's more attractive than any product you can put on your body.
~Susan Wise
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Fashion and the Venus Drug by Susan Wise