Festive Flavours Festive Flavours: Diwali | Page 42

beeswax (pastilles or grated) candle wick glass jar chopstick or wooden skewer 1 tsp of each powdered spice: ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg double boiler for melting wax *Note: If you don’t have a double boiler, you can simply use a mixing bowl (glass or metal) and a saucepan that the bowl will fit on top of. Instructions 1. Place wick in the middle of jar and secure above the jar with a chopstick or wooden skewer. 2. Measure out beeswax (use double the size of your container) and place it in the double boiler over medium heat. Stir often until wax is fully melted. 3. Remove melted wax from heat and let sit for 3 to 5 minutes. Add in spices and mix until well combined. 4. Pour wax into jar. Be careful to not move the wick while pouring. Let cool. 5. Once candle is cooled, remove chopstick. Cut the wick approximately 1-inch above the wax. 6. Your candle is now ready to share! CHAI SCENTED CANDLE W H AT S H O U L D I G I V E ? Supplies Candles, lamps, and traditional clay diyas are lit during the festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil. It is believed that the more candles families light, the more likely the goddess Lakshmi will be tempted to visit, bringing with her good luck and wealth. Bring some light and good luck to your celebration with this easy-to-make candle. Although perfect for gift giving, these candles smell so wonderful that you may want to make a few for yourself too. Everything you need to get started. 42 F E S T I V E F L A V O U R S Step 4: Pour wax into jar. F E S T I V E F L AV O U R S 43