The Fessenden School – Head of School – Position Statement
Fessenden has made great
strides in the past five years in
creating an exciting and
stimulating academic program.
Under the leadership of the
current head, the notion that
students should be directly
involved in their own learning in
active and hands-on ways has
taken root at the school. And the
ground was very fertile, indeed;
what more appropriate approach
to boys could there be? Discovery, projects,
moving and doing, exploration and
excitement are all part of the approach. A
strong commitment to 21 st century education
is evident as you explore the campus.
There are four components that inform the
work: project-based learning, cultural
competency, differentiated instruction, and
educational and technological resources.
These are woven throughout the classrooms
and are apparent at every level in the
school. In addition to the “three Rs”,
Fessenden works to include the “six Cs” in
all its work with boys: communication,
creativity, cultural competency, critical
thinking, collaboration and character.
Classrooms are organized for group work,
collaboration and interaction; the boys are
deeply engaged in their learning. The school
has recently adopted Math in Focus, an
adaptation of Singapore Math. The reading
and writing programs are based on doing
and teaching those skills in active ways.
Science, foreign language, and social
studies/history are all appropriately infused
with the core principles.
Nearly every discipline and class make
extensive use of the Center for Innovation
and Library, both of which are first-rate,
modern facilities.
Technology and
innovation have swept
throug h the academic
program in the last
decade. While
Fessenden was never
behind the tech curve, it
is truly on the cutting
edge now. Students use
Chrome Books
everywhere and start
very early in computer
assisted learning. The
new Ciongoli Center for
Innovation (iLab) is
spectacular. Adjacent to
the library and staffed