A walk back in time …
The Ancient Cottonwood Trail winds through a grove of the world ' s oldest-known black cottonwood trees . This old-growth forest is a biological treasure trove , full of an amazing variety of plants and animals . The 1 km easy trail leads you through the lush understory of the forest and over little bridges before reaching the largest trees . Along the way , interpretive signs explain the ecological role of cottonwood trees and highlight some of the resident plants and animals .
In 2003 , scientists confirmed the ages of the trees , putting the oldest at more than 400 years old . The cottonwood forest is part of the Nature Conservancy of Canada ’ s Elk Valley Heritage Conservation Area . The trail is 16 km SE of Fernie on Hwy 3 . Turn off on Morrissey Road . The trailhead is located just past the bridge by the train tracks .
tourismfernie . com
Photo : Steve Ogle