The Coal , Lizard , and Fairy Creeks all wind their way down their perspective valleys surrounding Fernie to join the magnificent Elk River that cuts a majestic swath right through town , creating energy ( Qi ) that can be felt by all who live or spend time here .
The word Dragon refers to a range of mountains and it is from Dragons that Qi emanates . The quality of the Qi in any area is dependent on these Dragons and if of good quality , they produce and attract exceptional people . Water is an ocean , lake or river and refers to open spaces where Qi converges and collects . Qi will also collect in open spaces like fields , parks , and intersections , etc .
The type of mountains and bodies of water make a difference in the energy they create . Fast moving rivers , bring a different energy than slow meandering ones , like the Elk River . As for the mountains , the jagged Rocky Mountains offer a stronger energy than rounded mountains with trees growing to the peaks . The people of Fernie are often referred to as hard core , because of the intensity in which they are known to play and compete . We are energetic beings and are attracted to energy that resonates with and feels familiar to us . Just ask anyone who lives or visits here , it truly is a magical place to be , and you can feel it !
As a classical Feng Shui consultant , Christa Moffat at Mountain Shui begins property assessments by studying the geography . In modern day Feng Shui , man-made features all affect energy , and must also be taken into consideration when assessing any home , property , or region . Mountain Shui offers a range of services including residential and commercial assessments , and destiny readings – you can even generate your own Ba Zi chart . This feature is an excerpt from a longer article available on elkvalleyculture . com .
Christamoffatt . com