Femme Plus March 2017 | Page 4

editors letter

Wow !

Our third issue !!! Time has flown by so quick !
Once again thank you for taking the time to read through our stories , and thank you for continuing to follow our journey on spreading Gods love .
They have done it again ! Our beautiful contributors both permanent and casual have blessed us with some moving stories and advice for what is relevant for todays world . I feel so blessed that God has given me a vessel to promote Him and body positivity , and I thank Him everyday that He is blessing everyone with our Contributors .
He has truly blessed us with such amazing talent in these beautiful ladies and we as a team will move towards glorifying Him even more than we are now .
We have recently embarked on a new endeavour and that is to get a print version of this magazine out to you lovely ladies .
Please keep us in your prayers and thank Him everyday because I know He will provide this magazine on a global level , we will be amazed at His gloriousness and one day I will share this story with you all . Our God is a Great God !!
You may have also noticed that our magazine settings have changed . Joomag Editor is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend it for those who need something completely reliable and flexible either in the beginning stages or continually throughout .
However , my vision originally was somewhat different . So in order to create a magazine that looks like my original vision we have now officially switched over to designing in Adobe InDesign . We truly hope you all love the new look .
In this issue we are continuing on with body positivity and have another two body positive models . These two stunners answer the same three questions our previous models answered , we love hearing great powerful stories and we hope you do too . If any of you beautiful body positive ladies are interested in applying to be a model for us could you direct all enquiries to models @ femmeplus . com . au
Thank you all again for taking the time to read through this months magazine and we hope to see you again next month .

Cherylynn xx

Ps . Please share our magazine and encourage those around you to read it too