Femme Plus July 2017 | Page 7

C ONTRIBU T OR S J elly Malenga is a speaker, mentor and esteem coach for women and children. She is the founder & director of The Bella Project, a Nashville, TN based 501 (c)(3) enrichment orga- nization to help women and girls realize their self- worth. She is the creator and event chair of the Ms. Bella (plus-size) Pageant and the Bella Princess Coronation Program. She is Ms Middle Tennessee American Beauties Plus 2015, Miss Congeniality American Beauties Plus 2015, board member of the African-American Cul- ture Alliance (AACA), the program coordinator for the Miss Teen Africa USA Pageant, spokeswoman for Beauty Behind Bars and a stroke ambassa- dor for the American Heart Association. In addition to event plan- ning, Jelly plays the role of big sister to a group of young ladies ages eight through nine- teen. With the help of an amazing group of wom- en, she hosts life skills enrichments for them and coordinates events for the young ladies to partici- pate in artistically. Jelly has more than 20 years of hands-on working and volunteer experience with youth ages six- weeks to 19-years-old, including special educa- tion and behavior modifi- cation education. She has a passion for civility and participates in various walks and events in the Middle Tennessee area. She is your favorite Aun- tie! Instagram: @auntie.jelly | Website: www.bellaproj- ect.org | Twitter: @jelly- malenga Facebook: THE BELLA PROJECT | All Enquiries: [email protected] overseas in my younger years and when I returned back to Australia I decided to complete a counselling degree (I know what you’re thinking, this is the complete oppo- site direction to my love for makeup). I realised quite quickly that throughout all my makeup year’s glamming up models, TV starts and celebs, that low self-esteem was always a lying factor that everyone deals with and I wanted to help young girls and woman around the globe look and feel good from the inside out. I relaunched my business The Beauty Heartist and within my makeup ser- vices I also develop and teach makeup and self-esteem workshops within schools, detention centres, communi- ty organizations and councils. IG: larissajonesbeautyheartist She has been reputed to be a “razor sharp” voice of truth, activist / advo- cate for women, and charismatic leader of her time. Diversely gift- ed in the “arts”, Sha- daria Allison has the components of a star, with a bona-fide sense of humility and wisdom be- yond her years. S hadaria A. Allison is the compelling au- thor of three published manuscripts, motivation- al speaker, actress, and plus sized model/brand ambassador. Owner of ROSEGOLD cosmetics, LLC. A beauty consulting business geared to stew- ard the female communi- ty with counsel, styling, and collective freelance s e r - vices. your beauty editor. I’m so excited to be a part of this exciting adventure and to be able to walk along side of you with all your beauty needs. M y name is Larissa Jones and I will be I’ll just give you a quick introduction of myself. I have been a professional makeup artist in the beau- ty industry for more than 15 years and have worked in commercial, editori- al and fashion. I worked M y name is Alle. I’m 21 years old. I study psy- chology at a tiny Christian For Bookings and Inqui- ries: Website:sha090386.wix- site.com/shadariaallison/ bio **Books are available for direct ord er on Amazon. com Email: sha090386@ gmail.com Facebook: Shadaria Alli- son IG: shadaria_Allison college in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, but I was born and raised in central Illinois. I love Jesus, my puppy, iced coffee, reality TV, Mex- ican food and Target. My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 31:25- “she is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the fu- ture.” page 7