Femme Plus April 2017 | Page 13

Femme Plus weight itself. HAES supports bodies of all sizes (regardless of whether the number on the scale goes up or down or stagnates). What HAES doesn’t support is intentional weight loss (a.k.a. dieting). Wellbeing and health isn’t solely about physical health. If you’ve got great cholesterol, no joint pain, exercise regularly and eat well… but feel sad, guilty and lonely all the time, is that “healthy”? This is something that a lot of people overlook. And whilst physical health is important, it’s just as important to understand how and why we do things. There is an overwhelming body of research around HAES and why diets don’t work. Far too much to mention here. But, what we’ve discussed here today is a starting point… and when we’re aware of something, we can change it! After telling my clients about HAES, I always direct them to some wonderful books if they’re hungry for more information - and if this article has left you wondering, I recommend you give them a read, too. There are thousands of books but below, I’ve listed some prominent starting points that will get those cogs turning! With love and wishing you body peace (regardless of what your body may look like), x Anastasia __________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‘Secrets From The Eating Lab’ by Traci Mann ‘Body Of Truth’ by Harriet Brown ‘Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight’ by Linda Bacon ‘Body Respect’ by Linda Bacon & Lucy Aphramor ‘If Not Dieting Then What?’ by Dr. Rick Kausman page 13