Queerying Sexuality
“From heterosexuality flow all other oppressions.”[1]
The above quote sums up what Sheila Jeffreys felt about heterosexuality. Believing it to be a social construct, Jeffreys gives the example of Adrienne Rich stating the forces that enforce heterosexuality are ‘...designed to produce a class of inferior status...'[2]
As a result of this criticism of heterosexuality, Jeffrey introduces the idea of 'lesbian feminism' which lesbians have asserted is a threat to male supremacy. She mentions Jill Johnston who stated, 'Until all women are lesbians there will be no political revolution.'[3] However, how can society continue to exist if women become lesbians, stop having sex with men and therefore, don't reproduce?
The fact that reproduction is ignored in lesbian feminism is a large flaw in the movement. It is hard to believe that heterosexuality has been enforced on women when there is a biological need to men and women to have sex and reproduce.
As heterosexuality is based on the concept of difference, it allows individuals to become aware of what makes them different to others. Jeffrey's describes Monique Witting's, 'concept of difference, institutionalised as heterosexuality, rests on a value system where one is superior and the other inferior, one is dominant and the other dominated.'[4] This notion of eroticising power relations, is reminiscent of Dworkin's notion of man dominating women as erotic from Week 2. Women have been trained into believing subordination is erotic for hundreds of years as 'Female sexuality has been seen as...submissive, passive and delighting in the receiving of pain.'[5]
After women have been taught to enjoy being in a dominated, submissive position, 'How was it possible, after all, to campaign against something which turned you on?'6 Whilst I find it hard to agree that heterosexuality has been imposed on women, it is easier to believe that female subordination has been imposed due to the nature of pornography. With an increasing focus on sadomasochism, it is clear that the submissive position of women is constantly enforced. However, even E.L. James's Fifty Shades of Grey also consists of the female protagonist being dominated and liking it. This would lead women to believe that as women, they are supposed to enjoy this violent, demeaning form of intercourse.
While I don't agree that all women should become lesbians, I believe heterosexuality should be considered a more equal relationship between men and women, particularly in the case of pornographic material. However, it seems difficult to see this becoming a realistic future after hundreds of years of 'man dominating women'.