Feeling The Sunshine | Page 35

ine, Spring 2020 al Feature Publication Bonnie Voisine r of 2021, that it was l the quarantine the wind in e sand and d her eyes. n after all nd the to the beach. She got to the mini beach at the de path that was not steep nor hard to climb pace on that beach so that she could do out other people or police bothering her. She r and spotted a fully white pit bull that was its food. She goes over to the dog with a piece r lunch. As she gets closer the dog starts to get r knees and tries to get the dog calm enough it had been there for a few weeks. Not s the dog the sandwich and checks for tags, it eck its gender; it’s a girl! She starts to think of the dog belonged to, that dog is hers now. her Blair. Blair looked up at Erin as she tried to ing so she worked on making the dog follow She got to her house and washed her new dog und beef that was in her freezer. After she fed ing Blair home. When she gets back with all her s, and dog washing station up. Both Erin and shine to feel.