WELCOME TO Feel the Joy Magazine
WELCOME TO the winter 2022 issue of Feel the Joy Magazine . Let me start out by saying Happy New Year ! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones and that 2022 is off to a good start . As always , I hope you enjoyed our last issue , found the contents entertaining , and that this winter issue finds you and yours healthy and well . Whether you live in the tundra like us in the Midwest or you ’ re still enjoying the warm weather of Florida , make sure to try and find time to still enjoy the outdoors !
My family and I love the change of seasons here in Minnesota . Some of our favorite activities in the winter are cross-country skiing , downhill skiing , and ice skating . We are fortunate to live close to a park and can ski right from our house ! As much as we love the snowy season , we are excited to take a break from it for our upcoming trip to Costa Rica as we will be shutting down the offices for the holidays for some much-deserved R & R .
Speaking of the holidays , I am overjoyed my two older kids , Sophia and Phillip , were able to help my wife and I with our tradition of putting together gifts for our youngest ( he ’ s 5 ) from Santa . It ’ s been great fun to see them get involved with keeping the tradition going ! What are some of your family holiday traditions ?
The end of any year is a good time for reflection on the past year and all that it brought you . Since I was a kid in Belarus , Russia , I dreamed of attending Harvard Business School , and I was fortunate enough for those dreams to come to life this fall . I was able to spend 3 weeks on campus learning about global markets , leadership , negotiation , strategy , and so much more from some of my peers all over the world . It was a wonderful experience , and it ’ s one of my highlights of 2021 ! you fail to plan , you are planning to fail ,” and that is something my family and I prioritize at the start of each new year . We begin by planning our vacations , children ’ s camps , and quality time first and then I plan business conferences I ’ d like to attend to continue to better myself as a professional . My family and I like to create goals in many different areas of our life . Whether that be financial , family time , health related , personal growth , or making a difference in some way , we prioritize taking the time early in the year to create a plan to get those goals completed . We ’ d love to hear about you and your family ’ s goals for next year . Please feel free to send us a message !
The snow has officially arrived here in Minnesota and the winter season is in full swing ! With that comes the car scraping , snow shovels , and snowblowers , but also the enjoyment of outdoor winter activities along with quality family time , snuggled up under a warm blanket with hot chocolate and a good movie . On that note , whether you live where the snow flies or you have nice weather all year round , I hope you enjoy this winter and holiday season ! Cheers to 2022 and I hope you had a safe and Happy New Year !
My very best , Andrey Sokurec Founder & CEO
Reflection on the past year typically brings resolutions for the year to come ! Benjamin Franklin once said , “ If
Photo Credit : Eduard Lazutsin