Street Kingz
The kingz this week have got several people through to the champions league next stage. Both Holly and Charlie have had their best weeks both winning some of the pot of moneys along with Michael almost equalling his top week to. We then went to London and descended on the London eye and countless fast food places, with JZ being the worst tourist of all time. This week after the week 7 penny drops week 8 is set to be even bigger than ever!
As Big Week Seven approached, the team was under pressure to perform. And we did. Despite being beaten by Prometheus (again) by 0.2 per person, Notorious and his B.I.G knockers continued to excel. Phuong and Keiran have finally made their accents resemble English and the Gaffa has had a solid week of signing up big black men in exchange for romantic dates. Charlie brought out the big guns with his best week yet improving by 4 LTDs. Top Dog Holly brought home the bacon with 17 LTDs this week, smashing previous weeks. She’s back baby! As a result Notorious smashed our record of Best Week which had been standing since the very first week. Now we’re just waiting in anticipation for Big Week Eight, Nine, Ten and Eleven. In other news, with the loss of a few girls in the Region, Street Kingz is officially a sausage fest. Because of this, pranks have become more boyish and disgusting. On Sunday we planned regional sabotage on the Goalbustas’ car resulting in a full-on war. Kylie has now been defaced with a yellow penis on her roof. It’s about as small as Tom Ledward’s own package. Grace stripped in the street for dear old Phuongy and a surprise male audience when fatigue hit and she could no longer take off her own clothes. Holly has met two men of her dreams and Keiran was blown away by the beauties in Brixton. Todos Los Muchachos
Kingston Mafia