Feedback Magazine 5 - Summer 2013 | Page 5

Tenacious Tigers Mighty Stallions This week we welcomed Akhil and Mary to the mighty Stallions – YEEEEEE HAAAAA. They were christened with a massive storm, and some cajjj (Himani 2K13) thunder and lightning but as a team we smashed out lots of positives and Ellie even got a f r e e u m b r e l l a #SPANKINGMR.M!!! Mary beat her personal goals and did five shows and a 1:4 Ins/Shows. Akhil and Michael both got an LTD and Ellie led the way with 2 LTDs whilst she was training – what a #LAD. If only Paragon could have the street cred and chat the mighty Stallions do – CHIN UP PARAGON….P.S. Lauren those pubes were definitely yours. All in all a cracking start for the new team and we have gelled really well. Our approach has improved and for Michael the penny has started to drop which is great! It helps that the team banter is awesome especially when Akhil complained about the rain ruing his hair, because he he has such a great lid. Looking forward to the next six weeks. YEEEE HAWWWW!