Myrm ido ns; do you know what lies behind that door? True Love. Take it its yours. Week 5 began with our regional training in the park. A fiery approach competition seen Nico fight off the other teams and prevail. Proving once again Myrmidons are the best of all. With cars being switched up the week, the Myrmidons split up in search of those golden LTDs. Karaoke car journeys, break downs and bumper cars are just a few of the things that this entailed. Sales Meeting on Tuesday, it was our turn for the ditty. Our rapping skills were displayed and
dance moves executed, our inner gangster was unleashed. Adina’s birthday celebrations lifted teams moral with some good food and plenty of alcohol flowing. This atmosphere then continued on to Wednesday with our
first skite out in Guildford. A bottle of CAVA was given as a generous gift to Tash in a show, this helped fuel our regional night out on Sunday, a perfect way to end the week and cross the half way line..