Feed Our World Jan. 2013 | Page 7


Penny Appeal launched Feed Our World in July 2012 with the aim of feeding a minimum of 10,000 orphans and displaced families in ten crisis-hit countries in the last ten days of Ramadan . This global feeding programme brought together individuals and communities who raised funds for the world ’ s most needy as well as uniting ten charities in delivering this aid across Africa , Asia and the Middle East .
The response to Feed Our World was overwhelming ! Thanks to the generosity of our supporters , over 29,000 people in desperate need were fed in Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Kashmir , Mali , Niger , Pakistan , Palestine , Somalia , Sudan and Syria . A typical food pack contained meat , rice , a selection of fruit and vegetables , water and milk or juice .
None of this would have been possible without our charity partners who worked hard in the field to administer nutritious meals to those most in need . We extend our heartfelt thanks to :