Federal Prison Sentence Reduction Federal Prison Sentence Reduction | Page 2
federal prison sentence reduction
rdap eligibility
Is there help for addicts and alcoholics dealing with the criminal justice system? The
Federal Bureau of Prison (BOP) estimates that 40% of federal inmates have a diagnosable
substance abuse problem. This statistic is worth considering, in that it points to the need for
effective treatment for incarcerated persons struggling with alcohol and drugs. Now, one
may offer up the argument that once in prisons, offenders don’t have access to these
substances. However, it is worth noting that sobriety entails more than restricting access to
addictive substances. While a restrictive environment may keep alcohol and other drugs
out of the hands of offenders, without long-term treatment and support offenders are highly
likely to return to use upon their release. This is because they lack the tools for solid, long-
term recovery. And so, without treatment and a solid support system in place, they are left
to figure out things on their own, including how to properly manage anxiety, fear, stress,
sadness, depression and other uncomfortable or painful emotions which, in the past, were
temporarily drowned in one’s addiction.
Fortunately, the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP) is one such program where
federal inmates can receive long-term treatment for their struggles with alcohol and drug
abuse. Employing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), this 500-hour intensive inpatient
program typically offers up to 12 months early release, as well as the possibility of 6 months
of post-release in a community-based setting. RDAP Sentence Reduction is here to help men
and women that are searching for a federal prison sentence reduction. Our team of mental
health professionals does all the work needed for federal inmates to shorten their prison