Golf Course Superintendent
Dear Members ,
Happy New Year ! I hope everyone enjoyed a nice holiday season . I am very excited for 2021 and the opportunity to continue as Superintendent at California Country Club . I am entering my third year at the club , and I have learned a lot in the last two years . I remain optimistic that this year , we ’ ll be able to continue to provide the best playing conditions possible . My goal is to train our crew to meet the expectations of our members and create an enjoyable experience .
We received 1 1 / 4 inches of rain in the end of December , and that got our greens headed in the right direction . We also received over 3 / 4 of an inch in January , and we are expecting more . The greens finally got what they needed . They took a bit longer to heal from aerification this year , because of the cold weather that we got immediately following fall aerification . We saw our first frost a week after aerification . This affects the plant , because the optimum temperature for growing poa greens is 70 degrees , and our low was below 40 throughout those days . I am also looking to fix an issue on green 14 by trimming the oak trees that are creating shade on the green . Light is another factor that is necessary in growing healthy plants . Everyone will be making more birdies in no time .
As you all know , we have had a substantial increase in the daily rounds played at the club . More rounds mean more traffic on the course . I would like to ask everyone to exercise the 90-degree rule whenever possible . This will help the course tremendously by scattering traffic throughout , rather than concentrating it on singular areas . Thank you to all who have helped keep the course looking great by repairing your ball marks and filling divots . Every little bit helps .
Sincerely ,
Leo Carerra
Golf Course Superintendent