

acilisis. Cras luctus accumsan turpis, nec laoreet odio iaculis sed. Praesent ultrici nec lorem at interdum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus quis erat feugiat, tristique arcu et, malesuada nulla. Nulla egestas, ipsum ut varius tempor, lorem nunc accumsan turpis,sed pellentesque dui tortor et lorem. Fusce mauris orci, mollis sit amet lacinia viverra, viverra eu augue. Quisque hendrerit dapibus diam vestibulum.

Donec sagittis lobortis est, vitae tincidu elit tristique a. Donec quis quam nisi. Facilisi.Sed lobortis pulvina.

Nullam a auctor urna. Suspendisse ultrices lorem fringilla, fermentum urna at, eleifend neque. In gravida euismod quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent eleifend dolor eu nibh rutrum varius. Nullam eu dignissim sapien, eget rutrum diam. Nulla facilisi aliquet.

Nullam vitae hendrerit libero. Etiam scelerisque condimentum nulla, ut consequat felis luctus sit amet. Vivamus quis aliquet dolor. Phasellus ac vehicula eros. Nunc vulputate non enim quis




On February 14 we celebrate what it’s called “Valentine’s Day”, and here at Instituto Cumbres Cozumel we celebrate it by giving to each other.

Like every year, the last semester of high school is in charge of selling flowers and candy for everyone else, you can either order a big bouquet of sunflowers for that special person or just buy a brownie for a friend.

This year thanks to our school president Ximena Ocampo and her crew we implemented a new activity called “squad day” where you could attend school dressed with your friends like anything you wanted.

Valentine’s Day it’s not just a day for receiving, it’s a day to give, give hugs or give anything to show your friends and family how much you love them and appreciate them.

Congratulations to 6th semester for doing a great job with the flowers and brownies, everyone enjoyed seeing Mateo and Andrea dressed up as angels giving the gifts.