5 . Lawn care
To prevent damage to your lawn , avoid stepping on your lawn during the frost .
in the fedruary Garden
Febuary is the time to start preparing the garden as we come into the warmer months and making sure that the garden is ready for the new bloom . There are lots of gardening jobs to do this month ...
1 . preparing
Cultivate and prepare your seedbeds for sowing is essential . Covering them with clear polythene cloches or fleece to help warm up the soil before sowing .
2 . brids
It ’ s important to keep attracting the birds to your garden especially in the colder months and giving them a helping hand when food is slightly harder to find . Why not hang some bird feeders amongst the rose bushes to help attract blue tits and other birds .
3 . Plant
Pot on and pinch out autumn-sown sweet peas to encourage side shoots to form .
4 . nest box
Install a nest box in the garden ready in time for spring and watch the birds raising their broods during the warmer months .