4 . Lead with Humility : Great leaders know they don ’ t have all the answers . Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you , and don ’ t be afraid to lean on their expertise .
5 . Celebrate Success and Acknowledge Struggles : Recognize your team ’ s wins , big or small , and offer support during challenges . Gratitude and empathy go a long way in building morale and loyalty .
6 . Embrace Lifelong Learning : Leadership is a journey , not a destination . Seek out opportunities to learn , whether it ’ s through books , workshops , or conversations with others .
As I walked through the recent AAMD charity auction , I thought about these principles in action . Instead of sticking to one group , I made a point to connect with as many people as possible . I asked about someone ’ s son , chatted about golf games , and exchanged stories with a mom . These moments weren ’ t just small talk , they were opportunities to build relationships and learn from others .
This approach isn ’ t just natural for me ; it ’ s a key part of honing my leadership skills . Every conversation deepens my understanding of others and reinforces my ability to lead with empathy and purpose .
THE CHALLENGE FOR YOU Are you a boss , or are you a leader ?
A boss demands results . A leader inspires them . A boss controls . A leader empowers . A boss may oversee tasks , but a leader transforms people and processes .
Take a moment to reflect on your own leadership journey . Are you content being a boss , or are you ready to embrace the work it takes to become a leader ? The choice is yours , and the impact you can make is immeasurable .
So , the next time you ’ re in your own " hallway "— whether that ’ s an office , a community event , or your daily routine — consider this : Do you know the names ? Are you building the connections ? And are you creating the WOW moments that inspire people to follow you ?
The path to leadership is yours to take . Are you ready ?
Erica Sanchez is Regional Vice President at Cardinal Group Management www . aamdhq . org 23 | TRENDS FEBRUARY 2025