FEBRUARY 2025 Pawsitively Pets - FOR JOOMAG | Page 16


February is National

Spay / Neuter

Awareness Month

February is officially recognized as Spay / Neuter Awareness month to bring attention to the devastating number of homeless pets in this country . We can all help reduce the number of unwanted dogs and cats on the streets and in our shelters simply by spaying or neutering our pets . The surgery is cost effective , and can even be partially paid for by local shelters , if you qualify for financial assistance . It will make your pet calmer and healthier , too . According to the American Veterinary Medical Association , spaying and neutering pets yields many health benefits , including the prevention of uterine infections and breast cancer in female dogs , and a lower risk of enlarged prostate glands and testicular cancer in male dogs . Sterilized pets are usually more affectionate and less likely to be aggressive , bite , roam , run away , mark territory , or exert dominance over other pets . February was chosen as Spay / Neuter Awareness Month to encourage people to have their pets sterilized before the spring and summer months , when there is a rampant overproduction of puppies and kittens . Most shelters experience an overwhelming increase in animal intake during those times , leading to the heartbreak of massive euthanasia . Do your part to help decrease those numbers , reduce pet overpopulation , and saves pets ’ lives - spay or neuter your dog and cat ! Contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment . For referrals to participating low-cost spay / neuter programs , call this tollfree number - 1-800-248-SPAY .
• Every year , 6 - 8 million dogs and cats are turned in or picked up by shelters .
• Over half of the healthy , adoptable animals are euthanized simply because there are not enough homes available .
• Over 6 years , 1 female dog and 1 male dog and their offspring can produce 67,000 puppies .
• Over a 7 year period , 1 female cat and 1 male cat and their offspring can produce 420,000 cats .
• Each day , 10,000 humans are born in the US - and each day , 70,000 puppies and kittens are born . As long as these birth rates exist , there will never be enough homes for all the animals .
• 800 dogs and cats are killed every hour in this country due to lack of homes .
• Only 1 out of 600 pitbull breeds will make it out of the shelter alive . " Bully " breeds are always euthanized first .
• Pit bulls , Chihuahuas , and Labs are the top three breeds most commonly found in shelters .
• 25 % of dogs in shelters are purebreeds .
• Only 1 in 10 dogs and 1 of 12 cats born in the U . S . ever get a permanent home .
• 90 % of animals entering shelters are not fixed .
• Euthanasia kills more companion animals than any other disease .
-- If you think " just one litter " won ' t hurt , please think again --
Pawsitively Pets -- February 7