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WAHS Marching Millionaires Win State Championship Title
The Williamsport Area High School Marching Millionaires won the Cavalcade of Bands American Class Championships in November at New Oxford High School . The championship contest is the culminating event after 10 weeks of competition for the band . Held over two days , 92 bands competed in 5 classes for top honors . There were 18 bands in American Class between A and Open divisions . The Marching Millionaires achieved the highest score , and not only earned the champion title but also won awards for Best Music , Best Visual Performance , Best Overall Effect , Best Percussion , and Best Color Guard .
This year ’ s championship is the eighth in Marching Millionaires history , adding to the state championships won in 1979 , 1981 , 1982 , 1984 , 1987 , 1989 , and 2022 . Marching band students begin technique practice each spring and continue through the summer , learning music , marching , and choreography for their show . The band performed over 20 times this fall at competitions , football games , parades , and other events .
“ Sustained success at this level is a testament to our students who ‘ trust the process ’ every day , committing themselves to a vision developed by our passionate and dedicated instructional team ,” said WAHS Band Director Ryan Bulgarelli . “ The Marching Millionaires embody a legacy of excellence that has placed our district and community at the forefront of PA ' s competitive marching band landscape for over 60 years . Our deepest appreciation goes to the administration , school board , teachers , support staff , parents , and community members , whose unwavering support makes such achievements possible . It ’ s great to be a Marching Millionaire !”
“ Winning the state title reflects the strong community we ’ ve built together ,” said senior trumpet player Robert Leiter . “ In our band , everyone plays a role - no one is left on the sidelines . Over my four years as a Marching Millionaire , it ’ s been incredibly special to see how we ’ ve come together to become part of something bigger than ourselves .”
“ This season ' s been filled with incredible and unforgettable moments ,” said sophomore clarinet player Ava Girton . “ From band camp to evening practices , football games and competitions , we ’ ve grown together as a family . I ’ m proud of everyone who has been part of our journey this year . Winning the state championship is the result of months of hard work and dedication to our shared mission . I am so proud to be a Marching Millionaire !”
For two decades , the WASD has been nationally recognized as a Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation . At WAHS , there are about 150 band , 150 orchestra , and 200 choir students who can participate , not only in the Marching Millionaires but also three orchestras , three bands , five choirs , and select groups like GQ , Les Chanteuses , Strolling Strings , and Big Band ( Jazz ).
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