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The Bellefonte Area Middle School Presents : Disney ’ s The Little Mermaid
During the last few years , the Bellefonte Area Middle School Drama Department has put out incredible shows . Two years ago , the troupe produced a wonderful youth version of The Sound of Music . In preparation for the show , they gave a performance to the residents of the Oaks , Centre Care , and Wynwood House that was wonderfully received . Last year , the drama department put on a fantastic version of The Newsies : The Broadway Musical . Marketing leading up to the show included Breakfast with the Newsies , in which family , friends , and community members could go to a breakfast at the Bellefonte Area Middle School and meet the cast and be entertained with short snippets of the show . The anticipated spring performance for this year is Disney ’ s The Little Mermaid ! With the experienced group that Mrs . Jess Cetnar has leading into this show , it ' s bound to be another smashing hit .
Mrs . Cetnar was kind enough to share her thoughts and preparation for the upcoming performance and a little information about her as the drama department director for the Bellefonte Area Middle School .
What are you looking forward to with this play and the group that you are working with ? This is the largest cast that we have ever had at BAMS ! We have 70 very talented students in our cast , which is going to make our show amazing ! We are really looking forward to telling this story to the audience and bringing to life the popular songs from the movie such as " Part of Your World ," " Under the Sea ," and " Poor Unfortunate Souls " ( just to name a few ), as well as performing songs that are written just for the musical , such as Prince Eric ' s ballad " Her Voice ," the mersister ' s song " She ' s in Love ," and a heartwarming lament featuring Ariel , Eric , Sebastian , and King Triton called " If Only ."
Which students earned the lead roles ? Ariel : Addison Wynkoop , 8th grade • Ursula : Sydney Halterman , 8th grade
• King Triton : Camden McLaughlin , 7th grade • Sebastian : Carson Bell , 7th grade • Flounder : Ryan Edwards , 6th grade
• Prince Eric : Konrad Herr , 7th grade • Flotsam : Braeden Strohm , 8th grade • Jetsam : Mackenzie Dix , 8th grade
What will be some challenges with this play selection ? One of the biggest challenges of this show is the technical aspects . This includes building sets and props for many different locations , costumes and hair and makeup to make these characters come to life and represent these iconic characters that everyone knows , and the " special effects ," such as Ariel transforming into a human and how to make that happen on stage . In addition to our large cast , we will also have a large student crew who will help make these important aspects of the show come to life .
The district and community are very excited about the upcoming musical ! It ' s bound to be another fantastic show and Mrs . Cetnar and crew encourage you all to come and see it . Disney ’ s The Little Mermaid performance will be held on February 27th , 28th , & March 1st at 7pm and March 2nd at 2pm at BAMS .
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www . bearcountrygoodnews . com “ Good News ” -- February -- 5