FEBRUARY 2024 Pawsitively Pets - issue to publish online | Page 3

- Karyn Stratton

A Note From The Editor :

Most months have a pet-related proclamation or two regarding a health or behavioral issue ... making such designations helps raise awareness , and often funds , for a particular cause , and can be very helpful for people and organizations that deal with that particular topic . February has over half a dozen , including Pet Dental Health , Spay / Neuter Awareness , Dog Training Education , and Responsible Pet Owner ' s Month - all very critical issues for your pet ' s health and well-being .
Did you know you can extend your dog ' s life for two to three years by protecting his or her teeth ? Some vets even offer discounts for dental cleanings throughout the month . Another bonus ? Sweeter smelling kisses , for sure !
There are also discounts and incentives offered in February for spaying and neutering your pet . And yes , I may sound like a broken record , but it bears repeating ... over 6 million companion pets enter shelters every year in this country - only 3.2 million are adopted . Avoid contributing to that heartbreaking statistic - make an appointment today , and let your veterinarian inform you about all the health benefits of spaying and neutering , as well !
The big spike in the number of pets turned into shelters in the winter is partly attributed to them being given as Christmas gifts . People go back to work ... the dog is left alone ... not properly trained ... gets mischievious to alleviate tension and loneliness ... and winds up being dropped off at a local SPCA or rescue . So sad , but easy to avoid - take your dog to a reputable trainer ! It could actually be the difference between life and death . Sure , we ' d all like to think pets at the shelters will get another home . Sadly , the numbers don ' t bear that out .
Do any or all of the above and you qualify as a Responsible Pet Owner ... congratulations !
- Karyn Stratton

In This Issue :

Pet Calendar of Events ....................................... page 2 Upcoming Pet Events ......................................... page 3 Around the Hydrant : News You Can Use ........ page 4 Dog Training Education .................................... page 4 Eulogy for Mrs . Brown ........................................ page 5 Breed All About It - Australian Cattle Dog ...... page 7 Cute & Crazy Critters ......................................... page 8 Health Highlights : Healthy Supplements ......... page 9 Adoption : A Loving Option .............................. pages 10 , 11 Pawsitively Delicious .......................................... page 12 Ask the Groomer - Overweight Dogs ............... page 13 Win a Jolly Dipper Dog Toy ............................... page 13 February is Spay / Neuter Awareness Month ..... page 14 Subscriptions - Let Us Fetch Your Next Copy .. page 15
On our cover : " Pinion "
Thanks to Benjamin Lehman of Canton , Ohio
for providing us with his photo !
Pawsitively Pets -- February