February 2023 Spotlight | Page 7

From the Committees www . wsca . org 2023 - February - 7

Meeting Minutes

Motion made by Julie Gintner , seconded by Kevin Berger , to remove BJ Peterson from probation status . Motion carried unanimously .
The WSCA Judges Seminar will be combined with the MN 4H Judges Seminar on March 24 th and 25 th . The seminar will be held at Leatherdale Equine Center and Scott Neuman will be the clinician . The Committee would also like to combine the 2023 Judge Applicant testing with this seminar . Applicants would take the written test on Friday evening and those who pass will be invited to attend the clinic and complete live judging testing and interviews . Due to earlier testing , the deadline for application and letters of recommendation will be moved to March 1 , 2023 . Would like to have a note / ad in the Spotlight to get more people interested in applying .
Would like to ask the Board to appoint the two Board Members and two Judges to review the revised test as well as to work with the Judges Committee on the revisions .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Working on the 2023 Champ Show Sponsorship forms . Putting together a sponsorship package as sponsors want to know what they get with advertising .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Nothing to report .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Absent . Nothing to report .
Publicity : Lori Taylor : Absent . Kalli reported that in mid-November the Royalty Court attended the South Central and Midstate banquets . In December they went to the Horse Crazy Market and Trail Riders banquet . At Horse Crazy Market they were approached to attend the NorthStar Regional Rodeo at the end of July , in Hugo . Upcoming they will be attending Winter Carnival parade , Skijoring , and Bell Ringing . At Mn Horse Expos they have been asked to do a demonstration in the arena with their horses .
Kalli and Sarah will be leaving on Friday for the trip to the NFR in Las Vegas . They have now received their buckles .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns Working on setting the dates and locations for the Royalty Clinic ( April ) and Royalty Banquet ( August ).
Pony Pals decided to donate back the $ 500 to WSCA , for their award for Malli Stevens winning Ms . Congeniality . It was discussed to give the funds back to the Royalty Committee and perhaps purchase the buckles with the funds . Motion made by Ann Goebel , seconded by Rachel Duenow , give the funds back to the Royalty Committee and give acknowledgement of donation to Pony Pals . Motion carried unanimously .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner Will start working on the form to have available in March .
Old Business : Dani Taylor talked to Lynn about looking at the WSCA insurance policies and determining where our gaps in coverage might be . New Business :
The Champ Show Entry Committee recommends moving up the qualification date for Champ Show one week . With many of the committee members and Board Members unavailable during Labor Day weekend , it is difficult to have the entry deadline Labor Day weekend . By changing the entry date , then the qualification date would need to be changed as well . Currently the qualification deadline is 14 days prior to Labor Day , and it is proposed to move it 22 days prior to Labor Day . Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Julie Gintner change the qualification deadline to 08 / 13 / 2023 . Motion carried unanimously .
The Champ Show entry deadline will be August 27 th , 2023 .
Lynn presented the Committee Chairpersons to be approved by the Board . Motion made by Ann Goebel , seconded by Kevin Berger to approve James Duenow as the Championship Horse Show Committee Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Ann Goebel to approve Marlys Mooney as the Drills and Squares Committee Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Motion made by Amber Duncanson , seconded by Julie Gintner to approve Tim Wampfler as the Historian Committee Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Motion made by Julie Gintner , seconded by Kevin Berger to approve Kim Ziegler as the Judges Committee Chair . Motion carried unanimously .