Living -- pages 18 - 22 To your Health !
Helpful Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System
Doctors ' offices are filled with people suffering from various flu bugs this winter . We ' ve all heard of ways to strengthen our immune system , but which ones are credible ? Diet changes ? Vitamins ? Supplements ? While there ’ s no magic pill , lifestyle and dietary changes can improve your overall health , which , in turn , can strengthen your immune system and help your body fight off illness . Boost your body ’ s natural defenses with a few simple modifications , such as : 1 ) Exercising regularly . Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health , lowers blood pressure , helps control body weight , and protects against a variety of diseases . As little as 10 minutes a day is helpful , although ideally , you should strive for 30 . Moderate exercise such as brisk walking , bicycling , jogging , and swimming , can reduce inflammation and promote the healthy growth of immune cells . 2 ) Getting adequate sleep . Adults need seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night to fight off infection . Teens should get 8 – 10 hours , and younger children and infants need up to 14 hours of shut-eye . Getting adequate rest may strengthen your natural immunity . 3 ) Taking steps to avoid infection , such as washing your hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds . Take social distancing seriously , especially when around anyone who seems sick . 4 ) Minimizing stress . Living under constant duress produces the stress hormone , cortisol , which lowers your resistance to fighting off infection . Long-term stress promotes inflammation , leading to lowered immunity , making you more susceptible to illness . Manage your stress with exercise , meditation , and yoga . 5 ) Eating more fruits , vegetables , nuts , seeds , and legumes . The antioxidants in these foods help decrease inflammation , while the fiber in plant foods feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut , which can improve your immunity and help keep harmful pathogens from entering your body through your digestive tract . 6 ) Staying hydrated . Hydration doesn ’ t necessarily protect you from germs and viruses , but preventing it is important to your overall health . Dehydration can cause problems with digestion and heart and kidney function , which can increase your susceptibility to illness . 7 ) Consider supplementing with natural immunity aids . According to a review in over 11,000 people , taking 1,000 – 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day reduced the duration of colds by 8 % in adults and 14 % in children . A lot of people are deficient in vitamin D , and a deficiency may increase your susceptibility to infection . Get outside for fresh air and sunshine , and consider taking a daily supplement of 1,000 to 2,000 IUs . Studies have shown that people who took echinacea recovered from colds slightly quicker than those who received a placebo or no treatment . Allicin , found in garlic , is well-known for its ability to boost the immune system . Some studies have suggested that supplementing with garlic reduced the incidence of the common cold by about 30 %.
According to the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ), there ’ s no evidence that the use of any supplement will prevent or treat regular flu viruses or COVID-19 . Regular supplementation , however , may strengthen your body ’ s general immune response and reinforce your defenses against harmful pathogens .
William R . Forse , OD
Family Eye Care
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Dr .' s Hours : Monday 1 pm - 7 pm , Wednesday 9 am - 1 pm , Thursday 9 - 11:30am , 1 - 5 pm . 1 Outlet Lane , Suite 310 ( in UPMC Center , beside PennDOT ), McElhattan • 570-769-2877
18 -- “ Good News ” -- February -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com