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Keystone Central School Board Recognition
In honor of the commitment and time school board directors volunteer on behalf of our schools and communities all year long , January is designated School Director Recognition Month . PA public schools educate nearly 2 million students , including the 3,478 students in Keystone Central School District . The nine members of each local school board are a vital part of the district ’ s administrative team , making informed decisions that lead public schools and provide opportunities for every student to succeed . To thank these public servants , the board members received notebooks designed with the district logo and their name . They were also presented with a short video of thanks from students and staff . Keystone Central recognizes Wayne Koch , Elisabeth Lynch , Polly Donahay , Jeff Johnston , Tracy Smith , David Dietrich , Roger Elling , Rick Schulze , and James Knauff for their service to KCSD .
School board directors ’ work is complex and diverse . From voting on budgets to adopting policy to conducting comprehensive planning , school boards make key decisions that drive public education . School directors devote , on an average , 10 hours each month to board business , which has only been made more challenging by the ongoing effects of the pandemic and related issues that impact the well-being of our students and families . Board service is unpaid , and school directors are often motivated to pursue the role out of a desire to benefit their community . School directors are locally elected officials , focused on improving the townships and boroughs in which they live . They are our fellow neighbors , local leaders , co-workers , parents and friends .
CM Marching Band Honors Veterans
The Central Mountain Marching Band traveled to Arlington , VA , in December to honor our U . S . veterans at the national Wreaths Across America ceremony . The students then spent the remainder of the beautiful day sightseeing in Washington , DC . The band ’ s tradition was started in 2018 when marching band member Rachel Crust organized a local wreath-sponsorship campaign and trip for the band as her senior project . Since then , the band has performed in local ceremonies at Highland Cemetery in Lock Haven , with a plan to travel to the national event every four years .
Band students participated in the solemn ceremony along with thousands of others , speaking aloud each veteran ’ s full name , observing a moment of silence , and placing a wreath on the soldier ’ s grave . The band would like to thank all the members of the community that sponsored wreaths for this occasion , as well as the generous donors who helped pay for the trip .
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