February 2023 Buzz Newsletter Issue 2023 | Page 6

Manipulator : Part of the mechanical team worked on and completed a manipulator prototype . They tested different pivot points , different arm shapes , and different gripping material . It took some trial and errors but they finally found a combination of parts that worked .

First Weeks of Build Season

Intake : The intake sub group worked on completing our other functioning prototype . They came up with an intake with two sets of rolling wheels . They tested different placement of the wheels and finally found a placement that allowed the game pieces to enter the robot in any orientation . Now they are working on a way to orient the cone after in comes into the robot .
CAD : The CAD team worked on different parts of the manipulator to help decide what combination would work the best . They also used different types of arms to experiment which options were most viable for this season . Now they working on a drop down idea for the intake .
Issue 2 : February 2023 PAGE 6 https :// buzzrobotics . org