February 2023 ASCE-NH Newsletter February 2023 | Page 6

Hello , fellow members ! I ’ ve been involved with ASCE-NH for many years and am sure I have met many of you at ASCE-NH events like the Scholarship Golf Outing . I first started my involvement in ASCE back when I was a student at UNH and later served on the New Hampshire Section Board of Directors for several years . I ’ m currently the Chair of the ASCE- NH History and Heritage ( H & H ) Committee .
I ’ ve always been very passionate about history and completed my Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation from Plymouth State University a couple years ago . I ’ ve been trying to find a way to incorporate my love of history into my career as a civil engineer , and the History & Heritage Committee is the perfect fit ! I recently submitted a proposal to amend an existing NH Historic Civil Engineering Landmark , the Five Stone Arch Bridges , to include a sixth bridge which is currently submerged in Franklin Pierce Lake . Pulling together the documentation for the amendment was a sizable effort , and recently the amendment was accepted by the national ASCE H & H Committee . You can expect to learn more about the Tuttle Bridge in the near future through a lunch and learn and newsletter article . I ’ m excited to bring awareness to our state ’ s civil engineering history through our newsletter , website , and other platforms . If you ’ d like to join the H & H Committee or just want to share interesting facts or photos of historic sites , please reach out : mdibiaso @ hoyletanner . com . I ’ d love to hear your ideas !
Like the other ASCE Board and Committee members , I also have a day job that is very supportive of my volunteer efforts . I am a project manager Project Manager at Hoyle , Tanner & Associates , Inc . where I work on municipal civil / site , utility , transportation , and land development projects . I recently celebrated 10 years with Hoyle Tanner and look forward to continuing to work on unique and challenging projects with our great team !
Outside of the civil engineering world , I live in North Hampton with my partner in crime , Chris , and our two spirited boys , Cody ( 6 ) and Alex ( 4 ). In my free time , I enjoy spending time with family at Cedar Pond in Milan , NH , researching my 1762 farmhouse , doing CrossFit , snowboarding , hiking , and listening to audiobooks / podcasts . I hope to add traveling to the list in the near future !