February 2023 ASCE-NH Newsletter February 2023 | Page 3



just when we all thought perhaps spring was on the way , robins were in the area , chickadees were signing their spring song , the air was warm , Mother Nature decided to remind us that we all live in New England and winter isn ’ t over until she decides it is over . We have had more plowable storms in the past month than the previous three with more snow storms predicted into March . But that is also some of the fun of the area , the weather isn ’ t predictable and anything can happen . I can say though I was starting to look forward to putting the wood box away .

ASCE-NH has been busy though through the winter season . Nick Golon and myself attended a great ASCE event down in Charlotte NC that can be read about in his future write-up . There is another event down in Washington DC that I will be writing about in the March newsletter and hope to have some good news to share from our congressional delegation on infrastructure funding and plans going forward for our field .

Last month we had a great Lunch and Learn presentation from Senceive about the importance of remote monitoring and data collection . This month we will have another fantastic presentation about the USEPA construction general permit requirements and how to go about stormwater monitoring from Ken Berry , PE . In March we are working on a presentation by Hoyle Tanner on a bridge and river project in Peterborough NH and then in April we are coordinating a presentation by CDMSmith about the upcoming sewer separation project in Manchester NH that will require the efforts of a 16 ’ tunnel boring machine and over $ 300 million in work to separate the largest combined system in the City .

All great things and great news , looking forward to connecting with you all more as the season warms up ( if it ever does !).

My best to you and yours , Owen Friend-Gray PE ASCE-NH President