February 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter | Page 6
January 2022 ASCE-NH Section Lunch & Learn Webinar Summary
The January 2022 ASCE-NH Section Lunch and Learn Webinar was extremely well attended via Zoom Video Communications , bringing over 100 attendees together ! It was the first opportunity in 2022 for ASCE-NH Members ( and Non-Members ) to receive PDHs through this educational initiative ; make sure to be on the lookout for these exceptional presentations throughout the year .
The January Webinar was led by a returning presenter , Don LeBlanc , P . E ., President of DLVEWS , Inc ., which is a company that is highly focused on maintenance and rehabilitation projects within its two main ‘ branches ’. The infrastructure rehabilitation branch of DLVEWS services a wide range of customers by providing solutions for culvert and sanitary piping issues , as well as stopping inflow and infiltration for manholes and piping . The earthwork solutions branch represents a full line of lightweight / low density cellular concrete and flowable fill solutions ; this allows DLVEWS to also service projects requiring poor soil remediation , retaining wall backfills , bridge approaches , and anywhere else a lightweight fill may be beneficial . During the Webinar , Don was able to share how he and Contech collaborated with NHDOT and Northeast Earth Mechanics during the 2021 construction season on the rehabilitation of a culvert at the intersection of Route 101 and Boynton Street in Bedford , NH . His expertise was used throughout project planning and construction – providing solutions to rehabilitate the badly deteriorated galvanized multi-plate culvert , while combatting more than 70 rain days that resulted in a higher-than-normal groundwater table that required two different density grouts . At the end , attendees were also treated to a crash course on unique-shaped culvert lining capabilities with a glass-reinforced plastic ( GRP ) liner .
Thank you to Don LeBlanc , P . E ., for his time and effort to make the January Webinar exceptional ; similarly , thank you to all of those in attendance ! As noted , please look for more Webinar opportunities from the ASCE-NH Section in the coming months .
February 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter | Page 5
February 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter | Page 7