February 2021 Handmade Seller Magazine 65 | Page 34

GETTING PRESS — marketing handmadeseller . com
Truth is , it ’ s very easy for us all to overlook what makes us special . Life generally feels mundane as we do things day-to-day . Most of us don ’ t feel particularly fascinating or all that special ( you totally are , though !) It takes stepping away a bit from the business to ask yourself some key questions . Many times we get caught up in the details of making our pieces perfect and wanting to discuss the intricacies and elements of them . These are great things to be proud of , but remember , people buy from people and the press cover stories about people , not things ( usually ).
Cool , gorgeous , and innovative things are always great to show off , but your unique story is also an essential part of what makes your business compelling to cover and what the public will want to know about . Ask yourself these questions to get started on crafting your story :
What challenges or obstacles have you overcome ?
What makes you unique from similar businesses ?
What ’ s your typical day like ?
What is your passion ?
Why are you dedicated to your business ?


With the answers to these questions , you can form a pretty comprehensive ‘ About ’ section or press release that introduces you and your story to the press . Oh , and don ’ t forget to include a picture of you with your creations , I promise it will get looked at much more often !


Gone are the days when you had to wait for a journalist to discover your story to ever have the chance to be written about . Today , we can all be publishers that create content and spread the news online . Many times , new stories are discovered through content marketing , which is one benefit of having a blog .
Through your blog , you can create content about your business , from explaining a new product launch to detailing your backstory or giving a behind-the-scenes glimpse at your life and business . And don ’ t keep these pieces exclusive to your site . Share on LinkedIn to reach a different audience than you might typically connect with on Facebook , Instagram , and Pinterest . I often hear clients reluctant to post on LinkedIn because they don ’ t see potential customers finding them there . That ’ s definitely not the case , and although there ’ s no promise that journalists are combing the feed for new stories , setting yourself up as a leader , posting articles about your business and your business strategy , can go a long way to making your message more clear and widespread .
A final note , don ’ t get discouraged if your communications are many times met with crickets . It doesn ’ t mean you aren ’ t doing it right . Changing up your approach and reaching out to new contacts while continuing to share with those you ’ ve initially reached out to will create a system that becomes a part of your business practice . With a little persistence , you ’ ll get that coverage !

Don ’ t get discouraged if your communications are many times met with crickets .

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